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Dozentin Frau Yvonne B.

Name: Frau Yvonne B.
ID: D22442
Alter: 60
Adresse: 84101 Obermünchen
Profilbild von Frau Yvonne B.

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von bis Titel Fachrichtung Niveau
09 .1990 - 07 .1992 Staatlich geprüfter Wirtschaftsinformatiker an der Fachhochschule Technik Techniker

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von bis Tätigkeit Arbeitgeber Ort
11 .2021 Spearheaded MDR-related projects focusing on threat detection, response automation, and attack surface management. • Demonstrated over 8 years of expertise in network security, with a deep understanding of the practical application of technologies like threat detection and incident response. Additionally, showcased strategic planning expertise over 5+ years in international MDR projects, ensuring innovative approaches to security challenges. • Optimized cloud project deployments, integrating MDR strategies that reduced implementation time by 40%. • Collaborated with SOC teams to enhance incident response frameworks tailored to MDR demands. • Delivered comprehensive technical solutions and presentations, supporting customer success and engagement. • Specialized in MDR; SASE, XDR, and smartphone security solutions. TCCT Ismaning
09 .2018 - 10 .2021 • Directed initiatives for MDR-related cloud security solutions in AWS and Azure environments. • Worked closely with R&D engineering technology and security effectiveness teams to drive innovation in core technologies such as threat detection, event response automation, and attack surface management, ensuring MDR's leadership in detection and response capabilities. • Collaborated closely with R&D teams to deliver innovations that enhanced MDR solutions' market leadership and detection capabilities. • Conducted Proof-of-Concepts for advanced threat detection systems, improving enterprise security posture. • Enhanced onboarding processes for MDR services, achieving a 30% increase in customer satisfaction. • Focused on Harmony Mobile integration and MDR technologies, aligning solutions with customer pain points. CheckPoint Software Ismaning

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Cybersecurity - Allgemein / Grundlagen
Geometrie - Allgemein / Grundlagen
Internet für Anwender - Allgemein / Grundlagen
Mathematik - Allgemein / Grundlagen
Algebra - Allgemein / Grundlagen
Authentifizierung / Authentication
Cybersecurity - Faktor Mensch / Social Engineering
Cybersecurity - Lokale Angriffe / Paßwort-Cracker
Cybersecurity - Mobile Devices / Mobilgeräte
Cybersecurity - Scanner
Cybersecurity - Viren / Würmer / Trojaner
Data Link Control (DLC)
Domain Name System - DNS
DoS Attacke (Denial of Service)
Elementrare Algebra
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
Identity Management
Internet für Anwender - Sicherheit
Internet für Anwender - Suchmaschinen
Intrusion Detection
Lineare Algebra / Differentialrechnung
Lokale Netzwerke (LAN) Theorie
Lokale Netzwerke (LAN) Workshop
Microsoft - Excel
Microsoft - Outlook
Microsoft - Powerpoint
Microsoft - Windows XP
Microsoft - Word
Netzwerke - Theorie & Technik
Netzwerkprotokolle allgemein
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
Proxy / Proxyserver
Routing - Access Control List ACL
Routing - LAN Switching
Routing - Multicasting
Routing - Router Security
Routing - Routing Policies / Route Maps
Routing - Spanning Tree Optimization
Routingprotokolle (RIP v1, RIP v2, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF, ISIS, BGP v4)
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) - IPsec
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) - IPv4
Virtuell Privacy Netzworks (VPN)
Voice over IP (VoIP)
Wide Area Network (WAN)