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Dozentin Frau Daniela S.

Name: Frau Daniela S.
ID: D30885
Alter: 39
Adresse: 22083 Hamburg
Profilbild von Frau Daniela S.

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von bis Titel Fachrichtung Niveau
03 .2013 - 07 .2020 Promotion Englische Sprachwissenschaft Geisteswissenschaften Promotion
04 .2009 - 01 .2013 Magisterstudium Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. Amerikanistik (Hauptfach) mit den Schwerpunkten Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Soziologie (1. Nebenfach) und Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft (2. Nebenfach). Abschlussnote "Sehr gut" (1,2) Geisteswissenschaften Magister
04 .2007 - 03 .2009 Lehramtsstudium gymnasiale Oberstufe, Universität Hamburg. Fächer Erziehungsiwssenschaft, Englisch und Sozialwissenschaften. Erfolgreiche Zwischenprüfung Pädagogik Sonstiges

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von bis Dauer Tätigkeit Auftraggeber Ort
09 .2016 - 02 .2018 18 Monate Hochschullehre in Form von zwei Seminaren pro Semester zu jeweils wechselnden Themen; Erstellung und Korrektur von Klausuren, Bewertung von Hausarbeiten Universität Hamburg, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Hamburg
04 .2016 - 08 .2016 5 Monate Lehrbeauftragte für Hochschullehre in Form von einem Seminar; Erstellung und Korrektur von Klausuren Universität Hamburg, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Hamburg
03 .2013 - 02 .2016 3 Jahre Hochschullehre in Form von einem Seminar pro Semester zu jeweils wechselnden Themen; Erstellung und Korrektur von Klausuren, Bewertung von Hausarbeiten Universität Hamburg, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Hamburg

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Datum Publikation Thema Herausgeber Co-Autoren Art Stadt
12 . 2017 Rezension: Friedemann Vogel (Hg.): Zugänge zur Rechtssemantik. Interdisziplinäre Ansätze im Zeitalter der Mediatisierung. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2015 (= Linguae & litterae. Bd. 53) Rezension Muttersprache Fachzeitschrift
2016 That it should have come to this! The challenging phenomenon of insubordination Constructions that display the formal features of a subordinate clause (such as subordinating word order and use of conjunctions), but occur in a conventionalized main clause use have been termed insubordinated. The term insubordination has first been coined by Evans (2007), designating a mismatch between the grammatical structure of a clause and its actual use. In a more informal way, insubordination alludes to the fact that a particular sentence pattern is disobedient to its originally assigned grammatical (syntactical) function. Pratas, Fernanda, Sandra Pereira und Clara Pinto (Hrsg.) Coordination and Subordination. Form and Meaning - Selected Papers from CSI Lisbon 2014. Sonstiges Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
09 . 2015 Spilling some linguistic beans: On the syntactic flexibilty of idioms. While idioms have been of linguistic concern for quite some time, they have mostly been treated from a lexical or etymological point of view. For a very long period of time, idioms were simply regarded as inflexible word-like constructions based on dead or untransparent metaphors. Only relatively recently has the syntactic (in)flexibility of idioms caught the attention of the linguistic community. A body of research has been constantly growing on this long neglected area of linguistics (for example Gazdar et al. 1985; Nunberg, Sag, and Wasow 1994 and the references cited therein). However, while a great deal has been written about the theoretical aspects of syntactic flexibility Nunberg, Sag, and Wasow 1994; Jackendoff 1997; Horn 2003), up to this date systematic empirical research, which would allow us to make reliable and quantifiable statements, has been rare. The present study was thus designed to help shed some much-needed light on the actual use of idioms by speakers. This paper thus aims at adding authentic language data to the theoretical discussion which then enables us to test the proposed hypotheses. Malec, Wojciech and Marietta Rusinek (Hg.) Within Language, Beyond Theories (Volume III). Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics and Corpus-based Studies. Sonstiges Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
2013 The Syntactic Flexibility of Idioms The present study is concerned with the syntactic flexibility of English verb phrase idioms. It is argued that in order to explain the syntactic behavior of these constructions best, two aspects must be considered. First, the idiom in question must be decomposable, meaning that the individual parts must have independent meaning and second pragmatic reasons and speakers' motivations must be taken into account. The corpus-based study with nine verb phrase idioms and the its results support a speaker-based grammar model. Furthermore, some syntactic constructions can be generally ruled out for idioms. AVM Buch München