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Dozent Herr Uwe K.

Name: Herr Uwe K.
ID: D36816
Adresse: 14476 Potsdam
Profilbild von Herr Uwe K.

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von bis Titel Fachrichtung Niveau
01 .1999 - 12 .2001 Diplom-Betriebswirt Wirtschaft / Verwaltung Diplom

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von bis Tätigkeit Arbeitgeber Ort
08 .2019 Director DACH Implementing & establishing a global commercial operating system companywide to align strategy and sales for all commercial business units through a coherent commercial system Bridge the gap between business strategy and sales efforts, giving commercial performance top priority as the main driver toward growth Provide a clear direction and foundation for all commercial activities: product, pricing, branding, marketing, sales, CS and support Leading & supporting the transformation process of the national commercial team (Sales, Marketing, CS) of 6 people Align the efforts of all employees with commercial roles and responsibilities Ensuring a uniform approach to the sales and delivery processes Playable Berlin
07 .2017 - 07 .2019 Country Director DACH Developing targets, strategies, concepts and programs based on company headquarters objectives Creating and developing marketing strategies and content materials Building a strong brand awareness and establishing it in the markets Managing a team of 10 people (customer support, sales, marketing) Developing a strategic plan for the next 6, 12 and 18 months Execution of the global strategy in a local market (DACH) Steering the office by ensuring everyone knows the strategy, embodies the values of the company and has the right opportunities to develop and strive Trippus Event Solutions Berlin
08 .2015 - 12 .2016 Head of Sales Developed targets, strategies, concepts and programs based on company objectives. Committed all qualitative and quantitative market objectives for entire national and international sales in collaboration with management and marketing Controlled strategic sales planning Leading all national & international sales activities and a team of 15 people Responsible for human resource development Permanently improved the sales team’s distribution skills Coordinated the interdisciplinary communication between Sales, Marketing, Product Development and Finance Developed & implemented KPIs Responsible for business development of key accounts Strategically enhanced product portfolio Managed revenue forecasting and operative implementation of sales campaigns Headed the day-by-day controlling of all relevant KPIs via CRM (Salesforce) Responsible controlling lead management process XING Events GmbH Munich
05 .2010 - 07 .2015 Business Development Director Germany SpotMe Inc. Berlin
01 .2007 - 12 .2010 Executive Director MPI - Meeting Professionals International Dallas/Berlin

Unterrichtsreferenzen wird nicht gedruckt!

von bis Dauer Tätigkeit Auftraggeber Ort
01 .2004 - 01 .2012 8 Jahre Lecturer for Business Management Berlin School of Economics (FHW) Berlin

Publikationen wird nicht gedruckt!

Datum Publikation Thema Herausgeber Co-Autoren Art Stadt
05 . 2009 Springer publishing house Berlin/Heidelberg (Germany Multicultural Interaction During Meetings & Events | Trends and Issues in Global Tourism Prof. Roland Conrady, Martin Buck Peter Sloterdijk Buch Berlin/Heidelberg