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Dozent Herr Johannes T.

Name: Herr Johannes T.
ID: D25598
Alter: 43
Adresse: 12163 Berlin
Profilbild von Herr Johannes T.

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von bis Titel Fachrichtung Niveau
01 .2012 - 01 .2016 Bachelor of Science Informatik (Freie Universität Berlin) EDV Diplom

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von bis Tätigkeit Arbeitgeber Ort
2015 - 2018 Performed Performance troubleshooting on a large Go.CD installation together with people from the Go.CD team leading to the integration of multiple fixes into Go.CD. Set-Up and maintaining a system for SLA and Performance monitoring, alarming and reporting for a fleet of CI/CD systems Created backend part of a system to distribute secrets to AWS instances, refactored the client software. Contributed a feature to the Pantsbuild build system mostly made by Twitter Automation of various tasks around system administration and CI/CD. Consultation on matters of Python, Go.CD, automation, monitoring, build systems and open-source. Massively refactored and modernized a machine learning application for cloud service capacity calculation HERE Technologies Berlin
2015 - 2015 Organised and supervised a seminar "Science communication" aimed at the effective communication of core concepts of computer science (technical and theoretical aspects) and the influence on their daily life to the general public. In the course of the seminar students created interactive exhibits for the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften" and presented them at said event as a concluding exercise. The exhibits were very popular and well received. Freie Universität Berlin Berlin
2014 - 2015 Worked in the Places API team ( see here: https://developer.here.com/documentation/places/topics/places-overview.html ) on products based on Scala, Akka, Spray and ScalaZ. Moved a larger test suite over to a different framework. Worked on various smaller tasks on the Places API and internal reporting tools. Also worked on tasks involving automation of Thoughtworks Go.CD tasks. HERE Technologies Berlin
2014 - 2016 Led and coordinated the presence of the institute for computer science at the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften" in Berlin. It is a yearly event to showcase scientific projects and topics from all universities and research institutions across Berlin to the general public. For this I coordinated ca. 100 scientific researchers, student research assistants as well as multiple external stake holders from administration, central IT operations and external parties such as the Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg as well as billing and catering organisations. Visitors: 2016: 2266 2015: 1860 2014: 2151 Albeit being a smaller, more remote location this is the 3rd largest visitor count in all participants of Freie Universität Berlin. Berlin Freie Universität Berlin
2006 - 2011 - Development of an IMS Core Monitoring System together with others - Creation and Operation of a software quality platform for a multi-platform application framework for the creation of NGN communication applications. (Including Continuous Integration and Generation of SQ Metrics) Later used by other projects too. - Created and maintained the build system of said NGN communication application framework, based on Apache Maven. (Multiple Modules, Multiple Platforms, 120K LOC in the Core, ~50-70K LOC in surrounding projects) - Various system administration of Linux and Windows servers. Fraunhofer FOKUS Berlin

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von bis Dauer Tätigkeit Auftraggeber Ort
2018 - 2020 2 Jahre Lecturer für IT-Security und Advanced Data-Management (Spatial / GIS, ElasticSearch, ...) design akademie Berlin - SRH University of applied sciences Berlin

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Datum Publikation Thema Herausgeber Co-Autoren Art Stadt
2020 The InnerSource Commons Learning Path Zweck, Vorteile und Funktion von InnerSource für Firmen. Detaillierte Erklärung der Rollen. Co-Host im Segment "Contributor" mit Isabel Drost-Fromm Co-Autor auf nahezu allen Artikeln. O'Reilly, Selbstverlag der InnerSource Commons Foundation The InnerSource Commons LP WG Sonstiges Youtube, O'Reilly Safari Online Learning Platform, Online https://innersourcecommons.org/learningpath
2020 The InnerSource Commons Learning Path Workbook Prüfungs Selbsttestfragen als Begleitmaterial zum InnerSource Commons Learning Path O'Reilly, Selbstverlag der InnerSource Commons Foundation Russ Rutledge, Arno Mihm, The InnerSource Commons LP WG Buch O'Reilly Safari Online Learning Platform, Online https://innersourcecommons.org/learningpath
07 . 2018 Inner Source: Open-Source-Prinzipien im Unternehmen anwen- den. Bietet einen deutschsprachigen Einstieg in das Thema InnerSource. Heise Verlag Isabel Drost-Fromm, Michael Dorner, Maximilian Capraro, Christian Kirsch Fachzeitschrift Heise Verlag, iX 7/2018, https://www.heise.de/ratgeber/ Inner-Source-Open-Source-Prinzipien-im-Unternehmen-anwenden-4454536. html

Themen wird nicht gedruckt!

Cybersecurity - Allgemein / Grundlagen
Datenbanken - Allgemein / Grundlagen
Hardware - Computer - Allgemein / Grundlagen
Informatik - Allgemein / Grundlagen
Internet für Anwender - Allgemein / Grundlagen
Programmierung - Allgemein / Grundlagen
Unix Shellprogrammierung - Allgemein / Grundlagen
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Android Studio
Apache - HTTP Server (Webserver)
Apache - Projects - Ant
Apache - Projects - Maven
Apache - Projects - Tomcat
Apache Subversion
CGI - Common Gateway Interface
Cloud Computing - Allgemein / Grundlagen
Cloud Computing - Technik & Administration
Cybersecurity - Lokale Angriffe / Paßwort-Cracker
Cybersecurity - Scanner
Cybersecurity - Viren / Würmer / Trojaner
Cybersecurity - Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
Domain Name System - DNS
DoS Attacke (Denial of Service)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Ethernet - Fast Ethernet
Ethernet - Gigabit Ethernet (2.5GbE, 5GbE, 10GbE, 40GbE, 100GbE, 200GbE, 40GbE)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Hardware - Grafikkarte
Hardware - Hauptprozessor
Hardware - Laufwerke
Hardware - Mobile Computer
Hardware - Motherboard
Hardware - PC Optimierung
Hardware - PC Werkstatt
Hardware - Sonstiges
Hardware - Speicher
Hibernate (Java)
HTML - HyperText Markup Language
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
Identity Management
Informatik - Algorithmik
Informatik - Betriebssysteme
Informatik - Datenbanken und Informationssysteme
Informatik - Dokumentation, Lastenheft, Pflichtenheft
Informatik - Kommunikationssysteme
Informatik - Programmiersprachen und Programmiersysteme
Informatik - Rechnerentwurf und Rechnerarchitektur
Informatik - Software-Ergonomie / Usability
Informatik - Softwareentwicklung
Informatik - Softwaretechnik und Systemgestaltung
Informatik - Theoretische Informatik
Internet für Anwender - Sicherheit
Internet für Anwender - Suchmaschinen
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
Internet Sicherheit für Administratoren
J2EE / Java EE - Java (2) Enterprise Edition
JetBrains - IntelliJ IDEA
JSP (Java Server Pages)
JVM - Java Virtuel Maschine
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
LISP - LISt Processing
Lokale Netzwerke (LAN) Theorie
Lokale Netzwerke (LAN) Workshop
Migration in der Informationstechnik
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
NetBeans IDE
Network Attached Storage (NAS)
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
Netzwerke - Server
Netzwerke - Theorie & Technik
Netzwerkprotokolle allgemein
Netzwerktechnik - Router
Netzwerktechnik - Switch
Netzwerktechnik - Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
Oracle - Berkeley DB
OTRS (fürher Open Ticket Request System)
PGP - Pretty Good Privacy
Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3)
Programmierung - ObjektOrientierte Programmierung
Programmierung - Programmierlogik
PROLOG - PROgammation en LOGique
Proxy / Proxyserver
Routing - LAN Switching
Routingprotokolle (RIP v1, RIP v2, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF, ISIS, BGP v4)
Samba (Software)
Secure Shell Remote Protocol (SSH)
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Session Initiation Protocol over SSL (SIPS)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
Spezielle Informatik für den Bereich Technik / Ingenieurwesen (Technikinformatik / Ingenieurinformatik)
Spezielle Informatik für den Bereich Wirtschaft (Wirtschaftsinformatik)
Spezielles Projektmanagement für den Bereich: EDV / IT
Spezielles Projektmanagement für den Bereich: Softwareentwicklung
Spezielles Qualitätsmanagement für den Bereich: EDV
Spezielles Qualitätsmanagement für den Bereich: Softwareentwicklung
SQL - Structured Query Language
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
Telnet Remote Protocol (Telnet)
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) - IPsec
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) - IPv4
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) - IPv6
Unix Shellprogrammierung - Bourne again Shell
Unix Shellprogrammierung - Bourne Shell
Unix Shellprogrammierung - Z Shell
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Virtuell Privacy Netzworks (VPN)
Vmware - ESXi
Vmware - Fusion
Vmware - Player
Vmware - Server
VMWare - Vsphere
Vmware - Workstation
Voice over IP (VoIP)
Web Service
Wide Area Network (WAN)
XPath - XML Path Language
Xquery - XML Query Language